Engaging with our Neighbours in Hope and Transformation


November 2024

Greetings from Harrow United Church! We will celebrate the congregation’s 108th anniversary on November 17. This has been a year of major transition for Harrow. For the first half of 2024 Harrow was without a full time minister but still continued to hold worship and Sunday school by using a variety of guest ministers and lay leaders and streaming our services on YouTube for those that could not attend in person. Harrow continued to host monthly worship at the Parkway Retirement Community and at the Jessie Avenue Convalescent Home. We also had an active book club, prayer shawl group, an Indigenous Reconciliation group, a beautiful garden, study groups, Messy Church activities, Rhyme and Storytime, Souper sales and a variety of outreach projects supporting 1Just City, food banks and Halfway Homes.

One of the keys to our success this year was collaboration. In the summer Harrow participated in Church’orama, a worship experience which we shared with Westminster U.C., Crescent Fort Rouge U.C., Churchill Park U.C., Young U.C. and Fort Garry U.C. We had a chance to host services as well as visit other congregations, listen to different ministers and make some new friends during the social time after worship. It was a very positive experience which will probably continue next summer!

Throughout the year Harrow had been discussing collaborative ministry with Crescent Fort Rouge United Church. By September, our collaboration was formalized and Rev. Marc Whitehead joined us at Harrow as well as continuing his work with CFR. Marc is very busy on Sundays leading worship at CFR at 10:00 a.m., and then at Harrow at 11:00 a.m. Lay leaders also help out at both services. Once a month we have a joint service, with alternating host locations. So far our two congregations have worked together very well sharing worship, musicians, meals and working together in study groups, pastoral care, Messy Church and outreach projects.

Harrow wants to keep our doors open and share space with others in our community. We have a number of outside programs that use our facility. Halfway


Homes, Village Green English Country Dancers, Little Opera Company and Yoga classes have all been here for a few years. New renters include a Ukrainian Karate club, Romanetz – a Ukrainian dance group, Steppe Kolektyv – a Ukrainian Choir, Big Band Rehearsal, Progressive Ballet Technique and a few summer children’s camps. Harrow also provides accommodation for a few self-help groups such as Al-Anon. We are so pleased that you have all have become a part of our “caring and sharing” community.

To maintain all our programs and pay for the upkeep of our aging building requires a major financial commitment. Some of our renters know about problems with our leaky roof which in the springtime led to many puddles in the gym area. We are raising money for roof repairs for this fall but it is a considerable expense. Some of our income is from our renters and church fundraisers, but the rest of our income is from congregation members’ offering and donations from others who utilize this space. We depend upon the generosity of those who share our passion for all this community embodies: education, hospitality, inclusion, support, fitness, healing, hope, joy and compassion.

When we celebrate our anniversary every fall we make an appeal to members, friends and adherents to make a special anniversary gift. How can you help?

— Some of our church members give a gift of securities or shares – for those who are in the position of trying to mitigate capital gains, this is a way to make a charitable donation while saving on taxes.
— Some members have included Harrow United Church as a beneficiary in their will. Even small amounts from faithful supporters make a difference.

— For many people making a special one-time donation by cash, cheque, e-transfer or online through Canada Helps is most appropriate. All donations will receive tax receipts.
— Perhaps you have a fabulous fundraising idea that you would like to take on to raise money for Harrow. We appreciate any financial support you are able to give.

We invite everyone to our 108th Anniversary worship service on Sunday, November 17 at 11:00 am. Come meet our new minister and share coffee and cake after the service.

Blessings to all…
Rev. Marc Whitehead, Minister Rae Leaden, Chair of Council

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