Weekly Message April 18

Join us in online Worship. We post the link every Sunday on our homepage and on our Facebook page.

This week’s Worship can be viewed here:


We extend a special welcome to folks in the Miniota, Isabella, Arrow River and Two Creeks area. Glad to have you joining us for worship – and thanks for your donation!

Sunday coffee continues every week from 10 to 10:40am.

This is a great time to see some of the familiar Harrow faces, to meet new people, to chat about our lives and the world, and just enjoy some time together. The zoom link was recently changed to:



Harrow has a bulk order of 2 different daily devotional resources, The Upper Room and These Days.

With no one coming into the church over the past year, these have largely just been sitting in the book rack. If you would like one or more, please be in touch. Though they are issued bi-monthly (for the Upper Room) and quarterly (for These Days), the daily readings and meditations are often pretty adaptable to any day or season.  

Thanks to everyone who supported last week’s Souper Sunday.

We raised $614 for 1JustCity!If you missed out on the Souper Sunday zoom conversation with Tessa Blaikie Whitecloud last Sunday, you can view it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3_Zd3uc4QY

Lots of information about Just a Warm Sleep and other 1JustCity news. 

Next week, April 25, our worship will include the hymn/song “Jump for Joy” (More Voices 48)

We are delighted to have received permission from Bells Corners United Church (near Ottawa) to use their version for our worship. If you want a sneak preview or you want to practise, you can check it out here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DE3qJH3d0A

Faithful Readers will meet next:

Wednesday, April 28 at 1:30pm over Zoom to discuss ‘Five Wives’ by Joan Thomas.

We are very excited that the author, Joan Thomas, will be joining us. Also joining (by phone) will be Rev. Eleanor Geib, who travelled to Ecuador 50 years ago and met some of those in the book.

The Zoom link is:


There are a variety of ways to stay connected to Harrow United Church. In addition to those we have mentioned here, you can learn more on our website about:

  • Prayer Shawl Ministry
  • Rhyme & Storytime
  • Virtual Circle Time
  • Online Yoga

Click here to go directly to our homepage

To quote Dr. Bonnie Henry, Chief Medical Officer for British Columbia,

“Be kind, be calm, be safe”.

And I would add, “Be patient, be hopeful, be generous in all you say and do”.

Peace be with you.


Yours in the name of the risen Christ,


(Rev.) Teresa Moysey


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