Weekly Message for May 24

Peace be with you.

These, of course, are words uttered by Jesus after his death (and resurrection) when he startled friends and family with an appearance inside a locked room.

They are words the church has used to greet one another ever since.

And I’m inviting each of you (and your neighbours and friends if they are so inclined) to send your brief Passing the Peace greeting to be included in a video next week.

Don’t have a smart phone or some other way to record and send? Is there someone where you live or a neighbour (who could still do this from 2 meters away!) could record you and send it along to Sherry before end of day of May 28. Make sure it is shot horizontal and it can be a short message, 5-10 seconds is great: communications@harrowunited.ca

And while we are recording our greetings of peace to send to the Harrow community and beyond, perhaps there will be an occasion when you can utter those words to someone else – someone walking their dog past your place; the cashier working so we can have the essentials (and more); the letter carrier … is there someone to whom you could “pass the peace” this week?

The link for worship this week is:  https://youtu.be/bB_lv0RhVNQ

Participants included John P at the piano, Teresa at the computer, Chuck behind the scenes, Cassandra reading scripture into her phone, and choral help from Middle Collegiate Church in Manhattan, and Jim and Jean Strathdee in California. We hope you find lots to feed your soul – both in the worship we are sharing, and in the world around you.

Blessings in this season of promise when life is rising new …

Yours in Christ,


(Rev.) Teresa Moysey

Harrow United Church

955 Mulvey Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3M 1G8

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