Weekly Message June 14


The link for this Sunday’s worship is: https://youtu.be/dHTecuXDSms

Sunday Coffee continues each week from 10 a.m. until approximately 10:40. If you would like to ‘drop in’ for coffee any Sunday, just request the recurring link to the zoom meeting. 

phone: (204) 284-0079
email: secretary@harrowunited.ca

It’s a great way to stay connected and catch up on the news we often share over the coffee and goodies table when we are worshipping in the church building.


2020 Urban Retreats Virtual Garden Tour

Every year, the Urban Retreats Garden Tour raises significant funds, $19,000 in 2019, for St. Matthews Maryland Community Ministry, a part of 1JustCity, supporting vulnerable families in Winnipeg’s west end. Since the COVID-19 crisis began, requests for food support have doubled and canceling the tour will reduce our funds when the people that we care for need us more than ever! 

This year, please enjoy our Virtual Garden Tour at https://www.1justcity.ca/gardentour and help us meet the need by buying a ‘Virtual Ticket’.


Each week, our Prairie to Pine region of the United Church of Canada sends out a news update. We know that some of you subscribe to that weekly email, but for those who don’t, here are some of the interesting events profiled this week.

Sundays in June: Indigenous Heritage Month Series: Foundations of the Indigenous United Church

Every Sunday in June at 2:00 PM in AB and SK: come explore the foundations of the Indigenous Church in the United Church of Canada. These sessions are open to everyone to come and learn. For additional information or to register, please contact: right.relations@hillhurstunited.com or click here.

June 14 – Formation: Indigeneity in Christian Formation with the Very Reverend Stan McKay
June 21 – Indigenous People’s Day/Mission: The Indigenous Church, Mission and Call with Rev. John Snow Jr. 
June 28 – Vision: The Caretakers Report and the Future Indigenous Church with Adrian Jacobs, Keeper of the Circle, Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre. 
Many thanks to these elders and knowledge keepers, and to the Right Relations Circle at Hillhurst United Church in Calgary, for offering us the space to learn together.

Thursday June 25: Peace vigil for Korea
Join us for an online prayer vigil for peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula, marking the 70th Anniversary of the start of the Korean War on June 25, 2020 at 5:00PM in BC, 6:00PM in SK and AB, 7:00PM in MB and NW Ontario. This special event links the United Church with the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) global prayer campaign, A Light of Peace, inspired by United Church partners in Korea. The campaign invites people of faith around the world to pray and act for peace on the Korean Peninsula and for a world free from war and nuclear weapons. 

Webinar: COVID and migrant workers’ rights, 16 June
The first week in June, we heard of two seasonal agricultural workers’ COVID deaths in Ontario. These men who help grow our food died alone, without their families. How is COVID-19 impacting foreign migrant workers in Canada? KAIROS’ Migrant Justice Coordinator, Connie Sorio, presents updates from some of Canada’s leading migrant justice advocates in a series of webinars.

Join us for the next update on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, from 2:00 to 3:00pm in MB and NW Ontario, 1:00-2:00PM in SK, AB, and NWT, noon in BC.  More info, and to register: click here.

By the time you read this weekly message, some of you will have been part of the ‘birthday cavalcade’. Thank you for helping to make significant celebrations a little less isolated.

Until next time, I am yours in Christ,


(Rev.) Teresa Moysey

Harrow United Church

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