Weekly Message May 2

Please join us in online Worship at a time that is convenient for you:

For the month of May, our worship will focus on parables and stories of Jesus. 

This week the scripture includes two short parables about seeds and growth.

Mark 4: 26-34

What story or parable will you share?

Parables are all around us.

So, I’d love to hear what observations or tales you would share as parables.

Send me a picture, paint me a word picture … 

Let’s share our experiences of witnessing Christ’s presence, of God’s germination, of those places where silent growth might be taking place, or those times when we realized – the seed has matured into harvest!

From this week’s Prayers of the People

Thank you, God. Thank you for seeds, for promise, for hope. Thank you for growth – in us – in others – in the world – in our communities. 

Thank you for growth that happens in secret, and for growth that is so startling we cannot help but notice.

Thank you for all the ways your good news of radical love and inclusion and respect have found soil sufficient for growth and life. 

Thank you for giving yourself in Jesus. 

For all the seeds that have been planted in communities, and in people, in societies, and in individual hearts and minds. For the ways in which your seeds of love and hope and acceptance, forgiveness and renewal have found expression in our lives, in our communities, in our societies, and in the world. Yes, thank you God.

May we be gardeners, joining in your work of bringing life and hope, and embodying love.

God, wherever or whenever we have ignored or opposed the bounty your good news brings, forgive, we pray. When a new thing springs up, still our fears. Open our eyes, our minds, our hearts with anticipation and excitement to the new thing you are bringing to life. Amen

Next week, May 9th – worship will include communion. You may want to have some bread or crackers and some juice or other drink when you sit down to worship.

Souper Sharing Sunday – May 16

We have decided to have one more Souper Sharing event before taking a break for the summer. It will be in support of Habitat for Humanity. Details will be shared by way of a separate email/mail.

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