Weekly Message September 6

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ.

You can still view Sunday’s Worship anytime: Click here

Teachers, Parents, Students, Educational Assistants, Administrators, Bus Drivers …
This is an important week – stressful, highly anticipated, worrisome, anxiety-producing – and yet, some relief to be able to do something ‘normal’ – May we all learn to breathe deeply in the midst of change and uncertainty, exercise care and respect for others, and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.
If you are not one of those listed in this heading, think for a moment about how you will be affected by the return to school and pause to consider how you might offer support or encouragement to those who are most affected by ‘back to school’.

Re-opening update

Dancers – Clogging classes and Village Green dancers will begin in September with limited numbers, preregistration and use of masks. The re-opening committee continues diligently working with these and all other groups. The floor and walls in the Upper Hall are now marked with painters tape (green for Village Green; blue for cloggers) to define spots for depositing belongings and personal space for dancing.

Yoga – new sessions begin the last week of September.
There will be limited registration for in-person classes.

More info found here: Click here

Worship – the committee is not contemplating reopening for worship in the foreseeable future. The vulnerability of our population, limits on the number of people that could be accommodated (approximately 25 as well as worship leaders), the protocols – e.g. one door for entry, a separate door to exit, no physical contact, no singing (though humming behind a mask may be okay), no communion (unless we can figure out a way to do that with physical distance and guidelines around food service), no coffee or goodies! At this time, the committee is recommending that we continue with online worship and perhaps see if it is possible to expand the ways for people to access that.

If you’re fascinated by details, here’s the link to the information provided by the province about faith-based gatherings:

Annual meeting of the congregation

The Church Council has scheduled the congregation’s Annual General Meeting for Sunday, September 27, beginning at 10 am.

The first 25 minutes will be an opportunity to visit and catch up with one another; the meeting proper will begin at 10:30am. Members of the congregation are invited to participate in whatever way is best for them.

We are working out the logistics in an attempt to make things as smooth as possible. There will be an opportunity to attend in person, with a maximum of 25 people plus leaders; those who wish to attend in person need to register through the office to indicate you would like to do so. Please be aware we will be spread out according to social distancing rules and everyone will be required to wear a mask. The other option
to participate in the meeting will be via Zoom – either by telephone (audio only) or through a smartphone, tablet, computer or other devices.

Copies of the annual report and the agenda will be resent electronically. If you would like a print copy and didn’t get one before COVID changed everything, please contact the office and one will be mailed out to you or dropped off in your mailbox.

Zoom coaches available – you can also join by telephone (audio only, no video)
If you haven’t yet tried out the Zoom meeting app, we would be glad to walk you through getting set up and testing out a one-on-one meeting. We did this early in the pandemic and most everyone found it to be quite easy to figure out after the first time. You can also participate using your telephone (you hear the call and can participate in speaking – you just don’t see faces. Please be in touch if you’d like someone to lend a hand getting you connected.

Quote of the week
Passed along by a member of the congregation:
“Dad, how come when I wish for something at a wishing well it never happens?”
“Because you wish for unicorns. Wish for more love and happiness.”
“But, Dad, I already have lots of love and happiness.”

As we mark the Labour Day weekend, let’s pause to give thanks for labourers of all sorts, and for the work they perform, for the fruits of their labours, enjoyed by us and others.
Let’s also pray for the safety of workers everywhere, recognizing that going to work is dangerous for far too many people around the world and here at home.
And let us pray for those who have been injured on the job or those who have lost their lives in the line of work.
For whatever work you are engaged in – whether that be paid employment, volunteer work, or leisure pursuits – let us give thanks for meaningful work.
Finally, we give thanks for the opportunity to rest and recreate, and to take a break from working.

Hoping this finds you enjoying the last weekend of summer.
Yours in faith,
(Rev.) Teresa Moysey
Harrow United Church

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