Greetings from Harrow United Church.


Harrow’s 106th congregational anniversary was November 6, 2022. As many are aware the past two years have been a challenge that forced us to look outside the box. We adopted new technology that enabled us to worship and communicate during COVID that included on- line worship, zoom meetings and live streaming. We are joyful to be back to in-person worship and programming along with a virtual option.

Our appeal is “We need your help”.

To maintain and grow our active programs which include worship and pastoral care, book club, prayer shawl group, Bible studies, Reconciliation group, gardening, Messy Church, Souper Sunday and a variety of outreach projects requires committed financial support. We are also appealing to our non-congregation groups using our facility including Dare to Clog, United Church Halfway Homes, Village Green dancers, yoga, Rhyme and Storytime, and others who enjoy the use of our facilities. Our aging building is expensive to maintain and we depend on the users to support our endeavours. Sadly, we must report a deficit that is threatening our current existence.

  • Expense Projection year-end $165,000
  • Current Revenue projection year-end $130,000

  • Projected Deficit $35,000

There is no “nest egg”. We rely wholly upon the generosity of those who share our passion for all this community embodies: hospitality, education, inclusion, hope, joy, healing and compassion.

How can you help financially?

How can you help us plan for sustainability?

  • Special one-time donation – cash, cheque, e-transfer, or online through Canada Helps Click here

  • Gift of securities or shares

  • Beneficiary directive

  • Fundraiser (perhaps you have a fabulous idea!)


Yours in faith and hope,
Teresa Moysey (Minister)
Cheryl Anderson (Trustee) Rae Leaden (Council Chair)

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