Help Support Harrow United Church

Harrow United Church is staying connected to our community in a variety of ways.  With online Worship, and a variety of online programs.

Harrow United Church is hoping to raise as much as $10,000 to help us to stay connected.

Your support is appreciated and will go a long way to helping Harrow United Church stay connected! You can support Harrow by making a donation today.

Just click here to make an online donation.


Funds raised will be used to:

  • Improve our technology
  • Support the costs associated with hiring a technology expert to assist with these upgrades



We want to stay connected and make it an enjoyable experience for all.

“Investing in new technology is investing in our future. It gives us endless possibilities.” 



Harrow United Church has been staying connected through the pandemic with:

  • Online Worship
  • Faithful Readers
  • Online Rhyme & Storytime
  • Virtual Circle Time
  • Virtual Sunday Coffee
  • Souper Sunday Sharing
  • Study Groups

“I live in Brandon. Harrow United Church is a welcoming community of faith. I feel so blessed.”

Cyndi- takes part via Zoom in study group, Worship and Sunday Virtual coffee.

New technology will allow some of these programs to be both online and in-person events, while adhering to all of the COVID-19 protocols.

“I have really enjoyed the online services because I can participate in less than my best clothes or watch whenever I want to. I’m grateful for my many relationships with the folks at Harrow. I feel that they are still maintained through Zoom.”

Margaret-attended in-person Worship and special events. Participates in online Faithful Readers and study groups.

Please show your support and help Harrow United Church to stay connected to our community!

 Make an online donation here.

Thank you.


“It’s heart-warming to be able to participate via Zoom. These online programs have made me feel like a real part of the Harrow community.”

Diane-attended Harrow United Church, now lives in BC. Stays connected with study groups and Faithful Readers.

Watch our video


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