Seasonal Services and more

Please feel free to watch any of these videos on our YouTube page at your convenience:

Blue Christmas/Longest Night service Click here

You also might enjoy the video Rae and Bruce Leaden prepared featuring a number of well-known carols and songs of the season. Click here

Rae’s reading of the classic Harrow version of the Christmas story (2005) is also online. Click here




This is also a great time to explore what other congregations may be providing in the way of online worship. Dianne B thinks she might check out and/or – congregations she attended when she lived in other cities.

Or maybe you’d like to check out Young United Church in Winnipeg …

For those who use offering envelopes for your donations to Harrow United Church, the boxes of envelopes for 2021 are labelled and ready for delivery. Please be in touch with the office to let us know if you would like your envelopes dropped off, or if you would like to arrange a pick up time.

And of course, you can send your offerings in a variety of other ways as well –including by e-transfer, through PAR (Pre Authorized Remission), via

Prayer Requests

Among those for whom we invite your prayers this week:

Family and friends of Gladys Lowry as they mourn her death, including her son Arthur, daughter-in-law Janice, grandchildren David and Ashley and their families.

Family and friends of William Magnusson (Uncle Billy), including Kristine Cox and the Vandale family.

Frank and Susan Evans, United Church ministry personnel in Red Sucker Lake – both ill with COVID.

A Prayer for the New Year from the words of Hymn # 528 in Voices United

God of life, in Christ you lead us, guiding us along the way.

In our past, through joys and sorrows, you have been our strength and stay.

Keep us faithful, true disciples, in our learning and our praise,

celebrating past and present, consecrating future days.

Words by Jane Parker Huber 1992

As we transition from 2020 to 2021, may we find gratitude for the ways we have found to companion one another over these last months. We at Harrow United commit to continuing in all the ways possible to stay connected, to share hope and love with one another and with our wider communities.



(Rev.) Teresa Moysey

Harrow United Church

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