Summer 2023 Church’orama

During the summer months, we will be participating in Churchorama, where we will be attending worship at a few different church locations in the south-central Winnipeg area.

All services start at 10:30am.

You are welcome at any or all of these services!

August 6 & August 13: Crescent Fort Rouge UC, 525 Wardlaw Ave.

August 20: Churchill Park UC, 525 Beresford Ave.
August 27: Westminster UC, 745 Westminster Ave.

This Fall at Harrow United Church:

We will worship at The Parkway September 10. Please join us.

September 17: Millie Lewis will be guest minister at Harrow.

October 1: Elder Mike Monias and John McKay, the Indigenous Cultural Program Lead at 1JustCity, will be our guest speakers (with lunch and Q&A to follow).

October 8: Centre of Christian Studies student, Hyerim Park, speaking to us.

October 15: Rev. Irene Greenwood will be our guest minister.

October 22: The Parkway with Diane McKenty as our guest preacher.

October 29: Rev. Larry McPhail as guest minister.


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