We are not alone – What a comfort in times of turmoil or trouble, loneliness, confusion or despair.
We are not alone This is, of course, the phrase that begins our United Church Creed (a statement of what we believe). Notice the words that follow immediately: “We live in God’s world”. So we are not alone, because God is ever present … but also – we are not alone – there is a whole web of creation – people, animals, earth, sky and sea. Creatures miniscule and mighty. Seen and unseen. In our individual lives, and in our life as a congregation, we sometimes forget that our lives, our existence, are intimately and intricately connected to others and to all of ‘God’s world’.
We are not alone – our actions, our choices, our lives impact one another – sometimes in very visible and / or forceful ways, sometimes more nuanced. Occasionally, such ponderings might lead us to wonder, “What is my place in the universe?” “Where is God in the midst of all this?”
At Harrow, we recognize that we are not alone: as we seek ways to be a blessing in the larger neighbourhood as we gather for worship, for play, for study and discussion, for food and laughter as we grow in understanding of what reconciliation means as we wrestle with financial challenges We are not alone when we are wounded by grief or pain or betrayal or addiction when our hearts long for a better world when we struggle to discern what it means to be ‘church’ in changing times when we ask, “What would Jesus do?”
Read the 2019 annual report by clicking this link: Harrow UC 2019 Annual Report