Weekly Message March 14

Join us in online Worship

The link for this week’s worship is:


We are sad to report the death of Josephine Hart on Saturday, March 6. Family services of remembrance were held during the week, and Josephine was laid to rest in her home community of Nisichawayasihk (Nelson House) Cree Nation. Deep sympathy from the congregation is extended to Brenda, Sydney, Cassidy, Reid and all others in the circle of Josephine’s family and friends.

Souper Sunday

Thank you to all who helped with the making of the soups and delivery/pickups and to all who purchased soups during our Souper Sunday event. Thanks also to everyone who joined in on the presentation with Sherry Heppner from the Convalescent Home of

An Audacious Invitation Study and Discussion continues Thursdays from  1-2:30pm.  Readings in preparation for our meeting this week: pages 120-149 (John 8:12-11:57) You can contact the church office for the Zoom link.

 (204) 284-0079
email: secretary@harrowunited.ca

Faithful Readers are reading Becoming by Michelle Obama

Join the conversation March 31 at 1:30pm via Zoom. 

In her memoir, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama invites readers into her world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her—from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive balancing the demands of motherhood and work, to her time spent at the United States most famous address.

Faithful Readers

Rhyme and Storytime

There are new videos every Friday on our website and Facebook page for your children or grandchildren. You can also join in our virtual circle time Fridays at 10am for a few songs! Contact the church office for the Zoom link to join virtual circle time.



Spring Yoga classes will begin soon. Details will be posted on our website and Facebook page. Consider joining us. Monday and Wednesday mornings from9:30 to 11 via the Zoom app. It’s a great way to stay connected!


Till next week,


(Rev.) Teresa Moysey


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