You can watch this week’s Worship here:
Христос Рождається– Merry Christmas
Epiphany marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas, and is celebrated as the date when the Magi arrived to visit Jesus. It is symbolized by the coming of light. The photo to the left is one of the series of banners created a number of years ago by Nadine Calver, and which we have been enjoying as backdrops during the Advent-Christmas-Epiphany seasons.
Epiphany literally means ‘revelation’ – we speak of having an epiphany – an ‘aha’ moment when things suddenly come into focus or some new thing is revealed to us. This year, the feast of Epiphany may be remembered not so much for what was revealed to magi 20 centuries ago, but for what was revealed to much of the world as they watched developments in the United States capitol. It was, as some epiphanies are inclined to be, disturbing. Epiphanies can upend our expectations or our smooth patterns in life. They can jolt us to changes in thinking and changes in behaviour, changes in what we value. I expect many of us have had an epiphany or two during these past months of a global pandemic. Epiphanies like: how connected we are all to the rest of this globe’s inhabitants. Epiphanies like how the accident of our birthplace, or the relative affluence of our circumstances have dire consequences on our health and well-being. Epiphanies like discovering how many things we can happily live without. And epiphanies like discovering we’re not too old to learn new things. May there be many revelations for you in this season of Epiphany. And may God’s presence be the light that reveals and guides us.
Sunday coffee continues every week from 10 to 10:40am. This is a great time to see some of the familiar Harrow faces, to meet new people, to chat about our lives and the world, and just enjoy some time together. Contact the church office for the link.
(204) 284-0079
For those who use offering envelopes for your donations to Harrow United Church, the boxes of envelopes for 2021 are labelled and ready for delivery. Please be in touch with the office to let us know if you would like your envelopes dropped off, or if you would like to arrange a pick up time. And of course, you can send your offerings in a variety of other ways as well –including by e-transfer, through PAR (Pre Authorized Remission), via
Do you enjoy a good read? And stimulating discussion with others about the book? Then perhaps you’d like to join the Faithful Readers gathering on Wednesday, January 27th at 1:30 p.m.
The book for discussion is From the Ashes by Jesse Thistle
Zoom link for the meeting is:
Study and Discussion beginning in February
Interested in joining others for some reading and discussion – and learning more about the gospel according to John? We will meet by zoom once a week for several weeks; dates and time are not yet finalized. As a resource we will be using An Audacious Invitation by Walter Farquharson and Jeff Cook. We are taking orders for print copies of the book. Please contact the church office if you would like a print copy. Price is $11. It’s also available as an ebook.

Until next time,
May God surprise you with joy, bless you with hope, and fill you with love until it overflows to all around. Peace be with you.
(Rev.) Teresa Moysey
Harrow United Church