Christmas at Harrow United


Advent is a season of preparing and waiting.

It begins on the 4th Sunday before Christmas and ends with Christmas day.


HOPE the first candle was lit by Nathaniel 





PEACE the 2nd candle was lit by Bradley & Katherine 





JOY the 3rd candle was lit by Zach, Hannah and Madi

LOVE– the Christmas Pilgrimage re-enacted by many. Scriptures stories, carols and the children had booklets to follow along with.



Advent/Christmas Worship was held at Hugo Convalescent Home with staff and volunteers helping to re-enact the Christmas story.

A special Christmas Worship was held at Poseidon Care Centre. 







Gifts were collected to make gift baskets for women and their children at the United Church Halfway Homes.








Blue Christmas/Longest Night was held for those in need of comfort, support and a special Worship.






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