What is Rhyme and Storytime?
Rhyme and Storytime is a free drop-in program for children up to 5 years of age. Children must be accompanied by a parent, grandparent, or caregiver, who also participate in the program. The program runs every Friday from 9:30 to 11:30.
9:30 until 10:30- Free play: there are play stations in the gym (for large motor skills) and in the lower level (crafts, play-doh, storybooks, toys …)
10:30 – Circle time: includes rhymes, songs, and the colour of the month and the letter of the day
Followed by Snack: Snack is usually related to the colour of the month and the letter of the week – we eat our way through the alphabet!
What to expect when you arrive:
You will find a small registration table near the entrance. Please check in and mark your attendance – we receive some funding through the Fort Rouge River Heights Parent Child Coalition (families-forward.com) so reporting on numbers of participants is important.
The first time you come to Rhyme and Storytime, you will be asked to complete a simple information form and receive a bag with a free book and copies of the rhymes and songs used in circle time.
Who can attend:
Rhyme and Storytime is open to any preschool child and an accompanying adult.