Happy Mother’s Day

Join us in online Worship:


Happy Mother’s Day

For many, Mother’s Day brings warm thoughts, happy memories, maybe flowers or other delights. For others, it can be a bittersweet day.

For those who are grieving, those who are overwhelmed, those who are lonely, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

For those who are celebrating, we share your joy.




Read a Mother’s Day story, years in the making:

BROADVIEW MAGAZINE – check out this month’s stories – online or in the print publication


Souper Sharing Sunday – May 16

Souper Sharing – place your soup orders early if you don’t want to miss out!

Details on order, pickup and delivery will be sent by separate email or you can always check with the church office. 204-284-0079.

The kinds of soup we have for this month are:

African Peanut Soup (Gluten-Free, Lactose-Free, Vegan); Bacon & Corn Chowder; Beef & Barley Soup; Beet Borscht; Chicken Noodle Soup; Creamy Sweet Potato Chicken Soup; Gluten-Free Pasta Pork Fagioli Soup; Loaded Potato Soup, Sweet Italian Sausage Soup (9 soups)

The frozen soups will all be at the church for pick-up on Friday, May 14th between 1 – 3 p.m. You will pay at the time of pick-up. Each soup will have a label, with the kind of soup, the month it was made, and all the ingredients. If you are not able to pick your soup up from the church, we can make some home deliveries.

When you pick up your soup(s) on the Friday you will pay at that time; if being delivered, you will pay the volunteer driver. The pick-up location will be at Harrow’s front door and soups will be kept in coolers. Masks should be worn, and distances respected.

Proceeds from Souper Sunday will go to Habitat for Humanity. Les Parry, a Volunteer Extraordinaire, will be our guest speaker/presenter during a live zoom conversation at 11:30am on May 16. 

The zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83353533782?pwd=bE91M1ZJUVJTeUdsTWVJMnVCdGtiUT09

Meeting ID: 833 5353 3782                    Passcode: 058992        

Sunday Coffee continues every Sunday morning

Speaking of zoom links, don’t forget you’re always welcome for the Sunday morning coffee and conversation.

Sunday coffee continues every week from 10 to 10:40am. 

This is a great time to see some of the familiar Harrow faces, to meet new people, to chat about our lives and the world, and just enjoy some time together. 

The zoom link (same every week) for Sunday coffee is:


With COVID infections on a steep upward trajectory, we pray everyone will stay safe and do their part to keep others safe. For those who are essential workers, our thanks and prayers are with you. 

May your virtual celebrations be filled with love and laughter.



(Rev.) Teresa Moysey

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