Weekly Message June 27

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We thank you and praise you, for you are the God of all Creation.
955 Mulvey Ave.
We thank you and praise you, for you are the God of all Creation.
We thank you and praise you, God of all Creation.
May the God of hope go with us every day, filling all our lives with love and joy and peace …
We remember in our prayers:
Those who are deeply affected by news of children in unmarked graves at the sites of former Indian Residential Schools.
All those affected by the strain of providing medical care in the midst of the pandemic and the tremendous stress on our health care system. THANK YOU to all who are working under such challenging circumstances.
Our prayers are also with those who are grieving, those who are ill, and those who are living in the midst of fear, violence, hunger, oppression or danger, whether they be near to us or far away.
Many thanks to all those who made for a wonderful online meeting of over 200 people from the Prairie to Pine region of the United Church of Canada May 28-30th. Our worship this week includes some of the richness that was part of that meeting. We hope you enjoy it.
Two thousand years ago, a fragile community was very uncertain of what the future held. They were at an ‘in-between’ time – between knowing Jesus and travelling in his company, and sorting out what they would yet become.
Building solid foundations takes time and care … in our lives, in how we teach our children, in our institutions and our societies. The storm of pandemic has exposed the infrastructure – good or bad – of many in the past year.
For many, Mother’s Day brings warm thoughts, happy memories, maybe flowers or other delights. For others, it can be a bittersweet day.
For those who are grieving, those who are overwhelmed, those who are lonely, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
For those who are celebrating, we share your joy.
Thank you, God. Thank you for seeds, for promise, for hope. Thank you for growth – in us – in others – in the world – in our communities.
May the season of resurrection be filled with surprising joy, with tender hope, with budding faith – and for the farmers and gardens, may we enjoy days of sunshine and nights of rain!