You are not alone.
Harrow United Church has online Worship on our YouTube channel every Sunday morning. We share the link on our homepage and on our Facebook page. You can watch at a time that works for you. Stay safe.
PENTECOST! A season of great celebration – the birthday of the church!
Two thousand years ago, a fragile community was very uncertain of what the future held. They were at an ‘in-between’ time – between knowing Jesus and travelling in his company, and sorting out what they would yet become. And into this time and place, suddenly a mighty wind and tongues of flame and inspired utterances swept through, bringing an unmistakeable sense of God’s power and of being touched by God’s Spirit. (You can read the story in Acts 2)
Surely we are in just such a time again as church – feeling fragile, and uncertain of what the future holds. An ‘in-between’ time – between the familiar and time-honoured ways of being Church and whatever new expression and embodiment of Church that will arise.
In the mighty winds of these present days, may we be swept up in the power of God’s Spirit, lit with flames of compassion, emboldened to proclaim the good news – part of a multitude of speech and action embodying Good News.
Our Church Council met this past week. There is a positive spirit and energy among us, and we continue to oversee current realities while looking toward the future. With existing pandemic conditions as well as provincial restrictions, we confirmed that there are no plans to reopen the building, nor to hold in-person worship in the foreseeable future. At this point, we are thinking fall 2021 may be a possibility for such activities. In the meantime, we are discovering new strengths (and new skills) as we do our best to stay connected to one another and to the world in which we live.
FAITHFUL READERS book and discussion group
We will meet next via Zoom on Wednesday, May 26 at 1:30pm. This is the time of year when we share suggestions for reads in the coming year. Bring your ideas and make yourself a cup of tea. Anyone who enjoys reading or has suggestions for a good read is welcome. Link for the meeting is:
Sunday coffee every week from 10 to 10:40am.
You’re always welcome for Sunday morning coffee and conversation. This is a great time to see some familiar Harrow faces, to meet new people, to chat about our lives and the world, and just enjoy some time together. The zoom link (same every week) for Sunday coffee is:
Souper Sunday!
Thank you once again to all for their generous support of our Souper Sharing. $567.25 was raised for Habitat for Humanity. In total, our Souper Sharing events this year have raised a $2,681.25!
If you missed the zoom conversation with Les Parry last week, you can watch the recording here:
STUDY LEAVE This week and next, I am taking some Study Leave time, hoping to further ponder and integrate the online seminars and courses in which I have recently participated. This means I will not be preparing a ‘full-length’ worship video. This week, I am delighted to share some wonderful music and a multilingual ‘telling’ of the scripture for Pentecost.
Next week, I, along with a few others from Harrow, will be attending the online Annual Meeting of the Prairie to Pine Region. The meeting will end on Sunday with an online worship celebration – we’ll be sharing that link for next week’s worship.