Upcoming services.

Plan to join us in person at Harrow United Church* Sundays or via our YouTube channel.

Harrow services begin at 11am.

We will begin our service each Sunday (unless of other events) at 11am with Lay Leadership, followed by our worship with Rev. Marc Whitehead.

Sunday, February 23 —The 7th Sunday of Epiphany; Genesis 45:3-15; Psalm 37; 1 Cor. 15:35-50; Luke 6:2738. Jesus speaks about forgiveness and resisting the temptation to judge.

Sunday, March 2 —The Transfiguration of Jesus; Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99; 2 Cor. 3:12-4:2; Luke 9:28-36, (37-43). Jesus’ closest companions see him in a new and powerful light. A Joint service at Harrow at 11:00 a.m. A pancake brunch fundraiser in support of “Just a Warm Sleep” will follow worship.

World Day of Prayer service – at Harrow on Friday, March 7 at 2 p.m. This year’s worship service comes to us from a group of ecumenical Christian women from the Cook Islands in the Pacific Ocean. There are several Communities of Faith in our area of Winnipeg participating in the service, and we welcome people from any denomination to join us in this World Day of Prayer service.




Convalescent Home of Winnipeg

We will still be going to the Parkway Retirement Community to lead a Sunday service every 4-6 weeks. This service will also be at 11:00am. 

The next dates for services at The Convalescent Home of Winnipeg are:





*or in the location as specified above.

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