March 27, 2020
Grace and peace to each of you this day.
By now, we are all understanding that we are in for the long haul as our world and our lives change in so many ways.
Here’s how we are trying to stay in touch and stay connected in these COVID-19 times:
Karen, our office administrator, is in daily, checking messages, mail, email and various other tasks.
Teresa is working at times from the church building and at other times from home. You can reach her anytime by phone (cell number is 204-299-3991) or by email (
Please do not hesitate to be in touch for any reason.
Faithful Readers Book group met this week with 10 participants and had a wonderful conversation led by Mary Ross as we discussed The Tattooist of Auschwitz. We used an app called zoom, which allowed us to see and hear one another on our computer, tablet, phone, or whatever other device we were using. The book for April is Forgiveness by Mark Sakamoto. At this time, we plan to meet on Wednesday, April 29th at 1:30 p.m. Once again, we will meet using technology. If you would like to be included in the meeting / group discussion, please let Teresa know anytime up to the morning of April 29th, and she will send the link to join the conversation. Karen Corbett will be our discussion leader for Forgiveness.
Yoga – The Wednesday yoga group also met this week with instructor, Patricia Kovnats, using the zoom app. This way, Patricia was able to offer instruction, and also to observe the participants (as she would in a normal class) and offer further individual tips or instruction. It worked well enough that we have decided to continue! The spring session will be 11 weeks long, beginning next Wednesday, April 1st at 9:30 and continuing until June 10th. You can register online by following the link from the Harrow website or by calling the office. Cost is $65 for 11 classes or $7 drop-in fee per class. Payment can be made using the Harrow Canada Helps site A link is provided with the information about the class. Or just go to the “Donate” tab on our website, and choose ‘yoga’ as the fund you want to contribute to.
Speaking of Canada Helps, if you normally make contributions to Harrow via Sunday offering, or by sending us a cheque, you can still send the cheque in the mail, but you could also consider using the Canada Helps website If anyone is needing to make changes to donations made through Pre-Authorized Remittance, or if you would like to set up donations by Pre-Authorized Remittance, please be in touch with Karen
Rhyme and Storytime also had a virtual gathering today, with videos created yesterday by Michelle McMahon (one of our R&ST staff) and Sherry Rasmussen. We’ll be posting further material as the weeks go by. This week’s videos are available online. Part 1 with the songs: Part 2 has two stories: Please pass along to the information to anyone you know with young children. The videos can be viewed anytime.
Worship Recognizing that we are in for an extended period of being unable to physically gather for worship or any other purposes, we are beginning this week to offer some worship experience online. As the weeks go by, we will get better at this and be able to offer more. Right now, we are just trying to get all the new systems up and working! I would love to be able to include prayer concerns from the congregation in our weekly worship offering. Please send any prayer requests to me or to the office
We will post the video of worship and let you know where to find it. For this week, please check our website or facebook to find that information.
Finally – a huge THANK YOU to Sherry Rasmussen, our social media coordinator, for all the extra hours she is putting in trying to keep us informed and connected! Because of the church’s financial situation, we had planned either a special appeal or some other means to keep Sherry on. The grant which covered her salary until December has run out. There is significant feedback that we really need her at this time especially. We’ll do our best to figure this out. Suggestions welcome.
I have been hearing stories from some of you about how you are doing and about how you are finding things in your new life and routines. We hope to share some those in coming days and week. In the meantime, this missive is long enough for today!
For now, I’m wondering if there are children or anyone else who would like to create a piece of art that we can share with others. Take a photo and send it along! Or if it’s a story or a poem, send that in words!
Please watch the Harrow website and our facebook page for further news and updates.
Thinking of you all at this time and hoping that you are able to be well. Please be in touch by phone or email if you have questions or concerns about these matters or anything else.
Prayer for this week:
Bless, O God, we pray:
Our family and our friends
Our neighbours
Politicians and planners, public servants and volunteers
Health care workers and suppliers
Grocers, store managers, and employees
Musicians and artists creating online content to buoy our spirits and enrich our lives
Digital experts keeping us connected
Help us, we pray, to be a blessing – wherever we are, in whatever way is possible, in as many ways as possible – so that love and hope and joy may prosper even in these times.
And all that we ask for ourselves, we ask for others around the whole earth who bear pain or grief, guilt or fear. May we know that you are present, always and everywhere. Amen
Yours in Christ,
(Rev.) Teresa Moysey
Harrow United Church