Weekly Message

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Watch our online Worship here.

Worshipping God on the Golf Course

Have you ever heard it said, “I can worship God on the golf course”? While there is truth in this statement, we might follow by asking, “Yes, of course, we CAN worship God on the golf course. But DO you?”

This is the starting point as we continue to celebrate the Season of Creation in our worship this week.

NEXT WEEK – our worship will be focusing on TREES – which we hope will include a story, a photo, a short video, a phone message from many of you.

What’s your favourite tree? Please send me your stories, photos, and messages and we’ll incorporate as many as possible into next week’s worship. It could be you have a favourite variety of tree (Redwoods? Birch?) Or maybe it’s a favourite tree because you spend lovely afternoons in its shade during summer. Or maybe it hosts a bird’s nest …? Any and all stories welcome. Leave us a message on the church phone, or send stories by email or other electronic means.

Annual Meeting of the Congregation – please indicate how you will attend

Members and adherents of the congregation will be receiving a separate email or telephone call with notice of the (postponed) Annual Meeting of the Congregation, to be held on Sunday, September 27 beginning at 10 a.m. The first 25 minutes (10-10:25) will be an opportunity to visit and catch up with one another; the meeting proper will begin at 10:30 a.m. Members of the congregation are invited to participate in whatever way is best for them.

  • There will be opportunity to attend in person, with a maximum of 25 people plus leaders; those who wish to attend in person need to register through the office to indicate you would like to do so. Please be aware we will be spread out according to social distancing rules and everyone will be required to wear a mask.
  • Another option to participate in the meeting will be via Zoom – either by telephone (audio only) or through a smart phone, tablet, computer or other device.

Copies of Annual report and the agenda will be resent electronically. If you would like a print copy and didn’t get one before COVID changed everything, please contact the office and one will be mailed out to you or dropped off in your mailbox.

Zoom coaches available – you can also join by telephone (audio only, no video)

If you haven’t yet tried out the zoom meeting app, we would be glad to walk you through getting set up and testing out a one-on-one meeting. We did this early in the pandemic and most everyone found it to be quite easy to figure out after the first time.

All zoom meetings also have the option of people calling in on a telephone (you hear the call and can participate in speaking – you just don’t see faces). If you would like to participate in this way, please let us know and we will provide the telephone number to you.

Please be in touch if you’d like someone to lend a hand getting you connected.

Faithful Readers Book Discussion Group – meeting Wednesday, September 30 at 1:30 p.m.

The book for September is The Mountain Within by Francis Mae Sinclair-Kaspick.

Originally scheduled to be a potluck meal and discussion, due to COVID-19, there will be no meal and time has been changed to 1:30 p.m. However, the author will be present for an in-person meeting at Harrow. A maximum of 16 participants can attend in person. It will also be possible to join by zoom. Please be in touch with the office if you would like to attend – either in person or by zoom.

Until next week, or until I hear about your tree

Yours in faith,


(Rev.) Teresa Moysey

Harrow United Church

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