The link for this week’s worship is:
Welcome to the second week of Advent when we light the candles of Hope and of Peace.
Advent reflection daily devotion began this past week. Please join us (whenever you are able) as we share a reading, a prayer, and brief thoughts with one another. Each day is a new topic, so don’t feel you shouldn’t tune in if you can’t do so on a regular basis.
We are using the book Imagining a New World as a resource. For those interested in having their own copy, it is available as an ebook from Amazon.
Anyone is welcome to join at any time – whatever days work for you.
We meet by zoom. The advent reflection will take place every weekday from 11-11:25 a.m. on zoom. This is the link to the zoom call: Join Zoom Meeting
Amnesty International Canada – Write for Rights
For many years, Harrow has hosted a Write for Rights event on a Sunday near December 10th, International Human Rights Day. This year it will, of course, not be possible to gather in person. However, we encourage everyone to consider sending at least one card or letter sometime in the next week or so. The 10 cases highlighted by Amnesty International this year can be found on the AI Canada website:
In addition, Amnesty International Canada has issued the following invitation:
We invite you to connect with us on Thursday, December 10th from 7:30-8:30 pm EST for “In Conversation with Ketty Nivyabandi and Alex Neve” a virtual fireside chat with Adrian Harewood, co-host of CBC News Ottawa.
Before the event, we invite you to drop in between 12:00-7:30 pm EST for our first-ever Virtual Write for Rights Marathon!
You can learn more and RSVP by clicking here
Remember months ago when we created the “Passing the Hearts” video? We want to do it again – only this time, we’ll be Passing the Flame – just as we do on Christmas Eve. We’d like as many people as possible to send in a video (just a few seconds long) and Sherry will compile them into something that will posted, but also used for our Christmas Eve worship service.
Passing the Flame Instructions:
Make a short video (no more than 10 seconds) of yourself. If there is more than one person in your household, please make a separate video for each person who wants to participate. Imagine you are with others as we circle the sanctuary at the end of the Christmas Eve service. One person lights a candle from the Christ candle and then passes to the next, who passes it to the next. You are one of those people.
- Hold your unlit candle in front of you. To your right, out of the frame, you will need to have a second candle that is lit so you can light yours from it.
- Turn to your right and reach out (as if someone were offering you a candle to light yours from. Light your candle from the candle you have placed out of the frame.
- Bring the candle back in front of you for a moment, then turn toward your left and move your lit candle out of the frame (as if you were passing the flame on to someone beside you.)
- Please record your video in the landscape mode (i.e. wider than it is tall).
- When you are done, send it off to Sherry Rasmussen, our social media coordinator, and she’ll compile them all – just like she did with the heart videos. Don’t worry about the beginning and ending when you are pressing start and stop – Sherry can crop those out of your video.
- Send your video to:
DEADLINE to send your video to Sherry is December 20. AND YES! We really want YOU to participate. Recruit your family and friends to send their too!
THANK YOU to all who have responded so far to our Giving Tuesday or to the Harrow Annual Anniversary Appeal. And to those who are prayerfully considering your contribution. We appreciate your support – in fact we count on it for our continued existence and ministry!
Until next week, may the gifts of the season – hope and peace – be with you.
(Rev.) Teresa Moysey