Weekly Message March 21

Join us in our weekly online Worship.

This week’s link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3qauA4_fYs

To everyone who helped make Souper Sharing Sunday such a great success! Besides enjoying good healthy food, one another’s company and an interesting conversation over Zoom, we were able to forward over $900 to The Convalescent Home of Winnipeg. A video of the zoom conversation with Sherry is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geGD1xWv2UU

Our next Souper Sharing Sunday will April 11th. Details to come.

Next Sunday, March 28 is Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday. We will be noting the events  of Jesus’ last week before his death, including his triumphal entry into Jerusalem (riding on a donkey) and his celebration of the Passover Meal, which is the basis for our Christian celebration of Holy Communion. Communion will be part of the service on the 28th, so you may want to prepare yourself when you sit down to worship – with some juice or another drink, and a cracker, piece of bread or wafer.

An Audacious Invitation Study and Discussion THURSDAYS 1-2:30 p.m.

Readings in preparation for our meeting this week: pages 150-183 (John 12:1-16:4)


Easter Memorials

People often like to remember a loved one at Easter time with a memorial donation to the church. If this is something you would like to do, please call or email the church office (204-284-0079 or secretary@harrowunited.ca) to let us know who the donation is in memory of and how you would like your gift to be used. On Easter and the week following, we will publish a list of all those being honoured.


Keep Housing Public Action Call for Manitoba

Right to Housing is a coalition that advocates for quality, affordable housing for low-income people in Manitoba. United Church congregations have been involved since we began this work, over 15 years ago.  Right to Housing is now asking supporting groups to write to the Premier and their own MLA to support the campaign “Keep Public Housing Public”.  A legacy of poverty and homelessness can follow if the current stock of public housing disappears into the private sector. Click here for the story on our website; the action itself is here:  https://righttohousing.ca/keep-public-housing-public/

The Knox Green Team (Brandon) Presents:
“Toward a Sustainable Food Chain – Relearning our Role”

March 25 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. on Zoom

 If you are anything like me, you usually think about eating as a way to nourish your body, as a good excuse to gather with friends and as a way to add some tasty pleasure to your life. What if the way we eat could also become a way of restoring our ecosystems and limiting climate change?

This webinar will offer information about emerging restorative agriculture systems and begin (or continue) to keep us thinking about how our choices as consumers can make a big difference in the natural systems on which we depend – and how they are either nurtured or degraded. The evening includes a presentation and discussion with Ryan Boyd, a local practitioner of restorative agriculture.

Please join us for some fascinating information and stimulating discussion on this important issue. To register please contact the Knox Office at knoxchurch@wcgwave.ca by 24 March.

Till next week,




(Rev.) Teresa Moysey

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