Weekly Message November 22


Click here to watch this week’s worship.


“We belong to each other”. [Romans 12: 5 Common English Bible]

A couple of thousand years ago, Paul wrote these words to a community in Rome – a community he hoped to meet in person one day.

In an interesting echo, I heard similar words this week during an online meeting of Winnipeg’s Indigenous Accord. Dr. Karine Duhamel, formerly Director of Research for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, had been invited as a guest presenter. Among other things, she spoke of “the interconnectedness of all of us”. 

Similarly, she stated that “we need to use all of our gifts together to create healthy communities, families, and nation.

In writing to the Romans, Paul put it this way: We have many parts in one body, but the parts don’t all have the same function. In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ. [Romans 12: 4-5]

Though we are currently doing our best to isolate from one another to reduce the impact of COVID-19, isolating is not the same as being connected with one another.

At Harrow, we’re trying to find ways to stay connected and to forge new connections. If you have suggestions or comments, we’d love to hear them.

In addition to Sunday coffee time (check with the office for the zoom link), this week we initiated a Friday morning zoom time for Rhyme and Storytime.

Join us Fridays at 10am. While the wonderful videos Michelle has been producing are very popular with the Rhyme and Storytime set, there is still nothing like seeing some familiar faces and meeting new ones as we sing a few songs and rhymes together, led by Michelle. (check with the office for the zoom link).

This coming week provides another opportunity for online connection: Faithful Readers will meet by zoom on Wednesday at 1:30. If you’d like to join the discussion of The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd, please be in touch with the office for the zoom link.

Our connection to others is also evident as we hold one another in prayer. This week, we are particularly holding Sheina Wait and family (including daughter Susan Ketchen) and Josephine Hart and family (including daughter Brenda and granddaughter Sydney) in our prayers. May the strength, comfort, and love of God be amplified by our prayers and actions.

Next week we begin our journey into the season of Advent.

Until then,

Blessings and thoughts,


(Rev.) Teresa Moysey

Harrow United Church

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