Weekly Message February 21

The link for this week’s worship is:


Thanks for joining us!


Virtual Souper Sunday was a big success. Thank you to all who provided soups and who made the purchase of a hearty meal to share on February 14.

Thanks to everyone who participated and contributed in any way. Josh Ward, community minister at St. Matthew’s Maryland Community Ministry joined for a Zoom call on Sunday (with some of us enjoying our soup as we listened).

As always, Josh provided an interesting perspective and an update on how the community ministries have had to adapt during the pandemic, and especially during the recent extremely cold weather. Proceeds from Souper Sharing were in excess of $425, which will be forwarded to 1JustCity

Our next Souper Sharing Sunday will be March 14. Stay tuned for more details. A recording of the zoom session is posted on our YouTube channel. Click here to watch.

Faithful Readers book discussion group

will meet Wednesday, February 24 at 1:30pm. Karen Corbett will lead discussion of the book To Heaven and Back by Mary C. Neal, MD.

All are welcome to join.

The Zoom link for the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5999657534?pwd=Q2ZGdWRmdmdrT2JLc0hPM25GOG5oUT09



THANKS, RAE, FOR THE VALENTINES! Our Sunday School coordinator, Rae Leaden was busy last sending out valentines to some of the younger folk associated with the congregation.


Our first meeting for study and discussion of An Audacious Invitation was held this past week. We were especially pleased that co-author Jeff Cook was able to join us. Next meeting will be Thursday, February 25 at 1pm. It’s not too late to join us this week.


This week, we have entered the season of Lent, a time to delve more deeply into what it means to be a follower of Jesus, a believer in God incarnate as the Christ.

This prayer, which can be found in the Voices United hymnbook at 110, is included as part of our worship this week. Perhaps it will be useful to you in your personal times of reflection as well:

God of love,
as in Jesus Christ you gave yourself to us,
so may we give ourselves to you,
living according to your holy will.
Keep our feet firmly in the way where Christ leads us;
help our lips speak the truth that Christ teaches us;
fill our bodies with the life that is Christ within us.
In his holy name we pray. Amen.


(Rev.) Teresa Moysey

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