This week, our worship includes the celebration of communion.
You may want to have bread, a wafer, or cracker, and something to drink with you when you prepare to join us for Worship.
The link for this week’s worship is:
Study and Discussion Begins February 18, 1pm
Interested in joining others for some reading and discussion – and learning more about the gospel according to John? We will meet by Zoom once a week on Thursday afternoons for an hour and half.
As a resource we will be using An Audacious Invitation by Walter Farquharson and Jeff Cook. We are taking orders for print copies of the book. Please contact the church office if you would like a print copy. Price is $12.60. It’s also available as an ebook.
Sunday Coffee
Sunday coffee continues every week from 10 to 10:40am.This is a great time to see some of the familiar Harrow faces, to meet new people, to chat about our lives and the world, and just enjoy some time together.
The Zoom link for this week and every week is:
Souper Sunday Back by popular demand and COVID creativity
Sunday, February 14 will be our first Souper Sunday of 2021
Shirley & Susan are coordinating donations of soup.
Donations from the lunch will be forwarded to 1JustCity, supporting the United Church outreach ministries in Winnipeg.
As always, a variety of soups will be available, along with biscuits. If you can donate a soup, please be in touch with Shirley, Susan, or the church office: phone: 204-284-0079.
Next week, we will send a message with the ‘menu’ of available soups and instructions to order for delivery or pick up.
Our focus will be St. Matthew’s Maryland Community Ministry. You can watch a promo video here:
Holiday Time
I’ll be taking some vacation time for the next couple of weeks. You can expect to hear from the church with further news about Souper Sunday, but we will not be posting a full worship service for February 7or 14.
Looking for other United Church services? Why not check out the joint services being created by Niverville and Steinbach United Churches during the season of Epiphany? An interesting venture between two congregations! One way to find them is here:
If you are interested in an Ash Wednesday Service, you might like to join in the Regional Prairie to Pine online event. Here’s the invitation message that has been sent out:
Regional Ash Wednesday
Online Gathering and Worship
Feb. 17, 2021, 7:00 p.m. (central)
Room will open at 6:30 p.m., please come early if you need to check your connection
Join us for liturgy, covenanting with Communities of Faith, and small group conversation. Offered by your friendly Committee on Community of Faith Support. All welcome! Invite widely. Share this event widely. Facebook event:
Until next time
May you be surprised by joy, curious about new revelations of God’s love, and filled with the grace of Christ.
Peace be with you, and with all.